Exit Impact of Racism Employee Check-in Question Title * 1. How concerned are you about the impact of racism, anti-blackness, and/or xenophobia on you personally? Extremely concerned Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not so concerned Not at all concerned Question Title * 2. How concerned are you about the impact of racism, anti-blackness, and/or xenophobia on our organization? Extremely concerned Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not so concerned Not at all concerned Question Title * 3. How easy or difficult is it for you to work effectively these days? Very easy Somewhat easy Neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult Very difficult Question Title * 4. What are the TOP THREE biggest challenges you are currently facing as it relates to racial injustice and/or racism? My colleagues don't know enough to effectively engage in discussions about racial injustice My physical safety inside of work The economic impacts of bias in the workplace (e.g. pay inequity, job security) Microaggressions from members of my team I don't know enough to effectively engage in discussions about racial injustice My physical safety outside of work My psychological safety outside of work My psychological safety inside of work I do not face any racial injustice or racism challenges Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Have you had conversations about race or racism at work? Yes No Next